So this past weekend we were supposed to be hit by (downgraded to) Tropical Storm Hermine. There were many predictions of the doom and gloom it was supposed to wreak upon Long Island. So much so that we cancelled our Annual Connor Clan Ice Cream Social on Saturday night in order to prepare for the wind and rain that was coming. Of course part of the problem that went on most of the week leading up to Hurricane Hermine making land fall was so many weathercasters unable to pronounce the name. My kids finally decided that they were just going to pronounce it Hermione - you know the American way!
Well those of us who live in the environs of Long Island were given nothing but amazing weather on Sunday and Monday. Not even much wind to speak of, leading us all to reflect;
And this morning when I checked the weather it didn't really show much a chance of anything hitting the good old LI so I made the executive decision to get up early and ride my bike to school - because let's face it - I love to ride. So I got myself up early and I did my morning chores, my morning ablutions, and my morning preparations (pumping up the tires, getting the trunk bag packed, etc.), said goodbye to my wife (on this last first day of school for our daughter) and hoped the day wouldn't be too rough for her. Then I mounted up and headed off to school knowing it was going to be a great day because it was our first meeting for the Association of Creative Thespians!
The ride was great, classes were so much fun (we played Flashlight), and we had a great meeting with well over 100 people in attendance! We even had time to take a great photo with all of the officers;
And now it's time to go home but Houston, we have a problem - it's raining!!!!! And I have no rain gear!!!!! But as I've mentioned before, since I was six I've enjoyed the freedom that riding my bike has given me. So I am now going to embrace my inner child (the one my wife says is perpetually 17) and go RIDE IN THE RAIN!!!!!! No fenders! No rain gear! No protective booties (yes, I said booties)! Just me, my bike and wet squishiness on my bottom! I will ride, I will reflect and I will have a fun time dammit - because that's what kids on bikes in the rain do! For now as I'm waiting for it to abate somewhat I'm watching the rain fall and waiting to be able to go outside.
The rain stopped!!!! So here goes nothing. Hopefully I'll still be able to post tomorrow because I'll make it home in one piece! For the rest of you - enjoy it. Get out there and have fun all you have to lose is your dry underwear! No Hermione, no problem!
Stay well my friends, and I'll see you on the Road!
I so enjoy reading your blog.